Sire Selection Manual:
This comprehensive manual features a variety of NBCEC research and genetic technology that producers can apply to their farms and ranches.
To request a printed copy, contact Twig Marston (twig.marston at or Lois Schreiner (lschrein at of the Beef Improvement Federation.
- Chapter 1 - Title Page & Contents
- Chapter 2 - The Importance of Sire Selection
- Chapter 3 - Assessing Management, Resources and Marketing
- Chapter 4 - Genetic Principles
- Chapter 5 - Crossbreeding for Commercial Beef Production
- Chapter 6 - Breed and Composite Selection
- Chapter 7 - Data Collection and Interpretation
- Chapter 8 - Expected Progeny Differences
- Chapter 9 - Interpretation and Utilization of Expected Progeny Differences
- Chapter 10 - The Role of Economically Relevant and Indicator Traits
- Chapter 11 - Selection Decision Tools for Economic Improvement Beyond EPD
- Chapter 12 - Visual and Phenotypic Evaluation of Bulls
- Chapter 13 - DNA-Based Technologies
- Chapter 14 - Utilizing Molecular Information in Beef Cattle Selection
- Chapter 15 - Summary
- Chapter 16 - Author Biographies